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Flu and Adacel

At our two offices, we give flu and Adacel vaccines to people who come in contact with our patients.  Call your insurance company and get a letter that allows you to administer vaccines to this group. 

If you are interested in using the following generic vaccine permission forms, click on each one to generate the form.  

If a parent refuses to get an Adacel vaccine, we get an Adacel Refusal Form signed which you will also find below. 

The last form functions as a superbill that the parent can use to bill his own insurance company.  Click on each one to generate the form or article.

Following are some Screening Questionnaires for Vaccine Administration.  As an alternative to the above, you can use these questionnaires. 

Here are the Vaccine Immunization Sheets (VIS).

Here is one of the greatest articles on Thimerosal in the vaccines.  Paul Offit, M.D. is a world expert on vaccines.  Click Here.

The Swine Flu H1N1 is still out there and the strain is included in this year's Influenza Vaccine.  Here is what you need to know about H1N1.